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Birds We See On Swamp Tours

Birds we see on swamp tours

Wading birds, etc Great egret, Snowy egret, Cattle egret, Great blue heron, Little blue heron, Tricolored heron, Green heron, Yellow-crowned night heron, Black-crowned night heron, American bittern, White ibis, Roseate spoonbill, Limpkin

Whistling ducks, Wood ducks, Common Gallinule, American Coot.

Aquatic birds

Anhinga, Double-crested cormorant.

Raptors, etc.

Osprey, Bald eagle, Red-shouldered hawk, Red-tailed hawk, Swallow-tailed kite, Mississippi kite, Black Vulture, Turkey Vulture.


Barred owl.


Red-bellied woodpecker, pileated woodpecker, downy woodpecker.


Red-winged blackbird, Common grackle, American crow.

Other Kingfisher, Northern cardinal, Grey catbird, Prothonotary warbler, little brown birds!