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About Us

Our values define us…

louisiana swamp new orleansIt is no surprise we won’t be getting rich offering tours of the .  You will find our reason we exist is beyond just putting food on our table and a beer in our hand for second line.

We hope by offering you an experience that is unique, picturesque and ecologically sensitive that we will also shed light on the loss of habitat and the other .  Without attention and concerted effort to protect that beauty, it will be lost to the machine of consumerism.  We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to experience the swamp using leave no trace ethics.

Leave no trace

“Take photos, leave paddle strokes.”  We don’t feed the alligators marshmallows or hotdogs like so many swamp tours we have seen do.  So often access to the swamps is near highways and roadways, it is hard not to notice the ever invading presence of trash from the blessing and curse that is our roadways, we encourage our guests to pick up a piece of trash on the way with our guides setting the example.

Take action

As much as we try to show you the perfect, pristine swamp images you see on our facebook and instagram feeds, there is another side of the swamps that isn’t always perfect.  Those are the areas with trash blown off the roadways, with broken down houseboats, and areas that the swamp mentality could use some cleaning up.  We host cleanups and cypress tree plantings via kayak.

kayak tour in cypress swampLet the kids lead the way

We have seen an interesting psychology with kids and their parents.  Let the kids lead and the parents will follow.  If the parents are hesitant, the kids will second guess themselves and get scared.  So when in doubt, let the kids lead the way!

The guests are the ones who bring something to the table such as a smile, a joke or a story.  We understand you are looking to be entertained, educated and enlightened, but we hope that you understand you are a part of our day as well and it makes it that much easier when you participate.  Set us up for success with a nice smile and we will do everything in our power to make sure you have a good time.